What is this year about?
His kingdom is coming. We want His will to be done on this earth as it is in heaven and our heart and prayer is that “on earth as it is in heaven” starts with us. And we would stop wondering if it is possible to change the world. It’s possible.
This year, at IF:Gathering 2021, we are going to talk about how we do that. The theme of those two days is going to be “Even If.”
Even if the worst happens, we won’t lose hope.

Friday, March 5th
Session 1: 6:15-7:45pm
Session 2: 8:00-9:30pm
Saturday, March 6th
Session 3: 9:15-10:45am
Session 4: 11:45-1:15pm
Session 5: 1:30-3:00pm
How does it work?
The IF:Gathering is a two day, simulcasted women’s conference that is hosted by various IF:Locals across the world!
This year Citylight will not be hosting one large IF:Local event. Both Citylight Council Bluffs and Citylight West Council Bluffs will be partnering together to host multiple IF:Locals that will meet in homes across Council Bluffs. Each IF:Local will be live-streaming the IF:Gathering into their homes.
There is also an option to livestream the event to your own home and partake in the Citylight Council Bluffs online chatroom.
How do I register?
Check out the list of different leaders and homes in Council Bluffs that will be hosting an IF:Local. To register please click on the IF:Local you would like to register for and fill out the form. You will receive an email within the next 24 hours from your hosts with the information for that specific IF:Local Council Bluffs location.
To register to livestream the IF:Gathering to your own home and participate in the Citylight Council Bluffs online chatroom scroll and click the “register to livestream from home” option.
How much does it cost?
There is no cost to attend an in-person Citylight Council Bluffs IF:Local.
The price is $19 if you wish to livestream the IF:Gathering from your home and access the Citylight Council Bluffs online chatroom.
Will there be meals provided at each IF:Local?
None of the Citylight Council Bluffs IF:Locals will provide a meal on Friday evening. All of them will provide lunch on Saturday. Beverages and snacks will be provided throughout. If you have any food allergies let your IF:Local hosts know and they will do their best to accommodate you and your health needs.
What do I need to bring to the event?
Just yourselves! If you have a Bible or journal you wish to bring, feel free but it’s not required.

IF: Hosts |
Amy Anderson & Aimee Cook
Location: Carter Lake
Contact: aimee@citylightwestcb.org
IF: Hosts |
Sarah Leavitt & Kelsie Murray
Location: West Council Bluffs
Contact: sarah@citylightwestcb.org
IF: Hosts |
Jen Kizer & Dede Crummer
Location: West Council Bluffs
Contact: jenkizer@sbcglobal.net
IF: Hosts |
Julie Starner & Marie Carter
Location: West Council Bluffs
Contact: marie.ann.carter@gmail.com
IF: Hosts |
Jordan Behr & Allison Montgomery
Location: West Council Bluffs
Contact: jordan@citylightwestcb.org
IF: Hosts |
Whitney Stevens and
Samantha Mass
Location: East Council Bluffs
Contact: gj020728@gmail.com
IF: Hosts |
Aubre Powers and Kodi Bebensee
Location: East Council Bluffs
Contact: aubre@citylightcb.org
IF: Hosts |
Bella Musich and Kyla Smith
Location: Iowa Western Community College
Contact: imusich640@iwcc.edu

Is there an online option for those who don’t feel comfortable meeting in-person?
Absolutely! You can register to livestream the event to your own home. This option does require a $19 ticket purchase price to gain access to the livestream as well as access to the Citylight Council Bluffs chat room where you can connect with others who are watching the event!