We gather on Sundays to celebrate Jesus, delight in his Word, worship Him together, and remember the Lord’s Supper and baptism.


ARE YOU VISITING? | Frequently Asked Questions

+ What kind of church is Citylight West Council Bluffs?

Citylight West Council Bluffs is a church affiliated with the C&MA Network. Our core values are Gospel, Transformation, Community, and Mission. For more information about our beliefs and our vision, please visit our page on our mission and beliefs.

+ What are gatherings like?

While we all come from diverse backgrounds and circumstances, we believe the gospel is good news for everyone. In light of this, our Sunday gatherings are designed to bring the gospel to each and every one of us at the point of our need. All of our services are the same, and we follow a basic pattern of meeting together that is traced back to the early church. We sing, we pray, we teach from the Bible, and we respond by taking communion together. Our goal is not to manufacture a particular feeling or experience, but we pray that as we come face to face with the truth of who Jesus is and what he’s done, we will be deeply affected and our lives will be transformed for his glory and the good of our city.

+ Why do you preach through books of the bible?

Because we believe that God has revealed his truth to us through his written word, we regard the preaching and teaching of the Bible as a top priority and essential element of the church. We primarily preach through books of the Bible verse by verse because we believe the Bible is best understood when each verse is seen within its proper context, as the biblical authors intended. While we do occasionally step out of this rhythm and spend a season on a certain topic, theme or group of scriptures, we believe that the verse-by-verse approach helps us to engage all of the scriptures while preventing us from picking soap box topics or avoiding difficult passages.

+ Can my children be in the gathering with me?

Of course! All children are welcome to join us during our Sunday gathering.