Church membership is your way of saying "I'm all in."
There are all kinds of different memberships in our culture. Sometimes membership means a free burrito after you buy ten or free 2-day shipping if you pay an annual fee. But in Jesus’ church, we believe membership flows out of relationship. Citylight Council Bluffs Church isn’t an organization to affiliate with, but a family to belong to!
Understanding this, we hold membership in high regard. We value the stability and security of a membership commitment to a local church. It is our desire to create a space for the family of God to commit with one another to live together as the family of God, to worship together, grow and be transformed, and to expand God's mission in our city.
The Bible teaches that in a church, we are members of one another. We are family members connected to Christ and committed to each other. Among Citylight Council Bluffs, we affirm and honor this Bible teaching by regularly inviting attenders to become members in a highly relational, step-by-step process! The steps to becoming a member are…